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In the not-so distant dystopian future…

A chaotic Cyber War rages across the vast digital expanse of the web. Society is starkly divided between the Cogs in the relentless grinding machinery of the five ruthless Mega-Corporations that rule the system, or you’re the few remaining Renegades who prowl the lawless fringes of the dark web, just beyond the reach of the Mega Corps.

The Societal Rift has created the ultimate high-stakes game of hunter and hunted. Only a few elite renegades rise to become heads of international hacking syndicates, powerful and resourceful enough to thwart the Mega Corps system of oppression and to strike fear into the Very hearts of these diabolical corporate giants.

In this high-stakes game of power and deception, the line between hero and villain blurs, but one thing remains certain: the future belongs to those who control the code.

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Many ways to Play; Many ways to win

1-5 Players | 90 minutes | Ages 14+
5 Corporations. 52 Unique Exploits. 48 Unique Contracts. 18 Unique Events.
2 Expansions: Leaders (Asymmetric Gameplay), Sentinels (to Hunt or Be Hunted)


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Engage the Dark Web

Assign your syndicate hackers to strategic targets in the Dark Web for much needed resources and new hacking tools.

Build your Assets

Build up your deck with a diverse array of highly-specialized exploits and invest in a toolkit made up of mods that can be used to enhance your gameplay.

Attack the Corporations

Attack the corporations with the resources and the specialized threats you have built up in order to complete contracts, earn reputation, and win the game.

Remain Alert

They are watching. Always cover your trail; your actions in the Dark Web and the fringe will draw unwanted attention from the Mega-Corporations. They will stop at nothing to remove you as a threat. They’ll spare no expense. They’ll even send hired Sentinels of their own against you, to find you, hunt you, and end you. 

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