
On Kickstarter Jan 19th

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…a dinner party where the hors d’oeuvres are intrigue and deception.

Finding Anastasia is an intelligent social deduction game

There is a rumor that the Tsar’s favorite daughter Anastasia, survived the fall of the Russian Empire and has been in hiding ever since. Her Grandmother, the Empress Dowager, heard the rumors and has decided to make it her mission to find Anastasia. After years of searching, the Empress invites those who claim to be or know Anastasia to a party, where the Empress hopes to learn enough to find Anastasia. 

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Meet the Guests

As you arrive at the party, you meet many Guests, each with their own unique abilities and objectives. 

Review the Clues

As Guests answer questions at the party, information is revealed publicly and privately. This information will begin to inform others as to their identity.

Achieve your unique Objective

As clues are shared, each player is attempting to achieve their unique goal. The Empress is attempting to find Anastasia before Rasputin’s Agent. Anastasia is attempting be revealed by a friendly Guest. The Impostor wants to be revealed by anyone thinking she is Anastasia. The possibilities are endless.

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